It's apparently focused more on Fujiko, which is the one aspect of it I'm not that excited about.
But I can't wait to see it, because they're actually going a lot closer to the original, crazy look of the manga. I'm excited by the Monkey Punch look of these promo pics.

The second one is part of an elaborate website background, which is why it has such a weird composition. But I'm really liking the way the characters are being drawn here.
I never would have guessed they'd even consider doing Lupin in a style like this again. They've been desperately pandering to a mainstream anime, all-ages audience for so long I thought they'd never break out of it. But it seems that they have.
Starts airing in Japan April 4. Hopefully it'll be streaming on Crunchyroll or something so we can see it over here too.
Most of the recent Lupin TV specials have had an extremely boring look to them; pretty much half the fun of the franchise went away. So it's great to see that they're making this so stylized and fun.
Also, I'm sorry for being somewhat offtopic, but I really wanted to ask this: which volumes of the old Lupin manga would you say are the stand-outs in terms of art and fun stories? I haven't really been swimming in money as of late, but I really want to purchase some Lupin manga after reading Anipages' coverage of Alice, watching it and loving it (Ben said it's the closest thing to a real Monkey Punch manga). I figured you'd be a good person to ask for recommendations since I like your animation and tend to agree with your approach to anime (gravitating towards fun, expressive cartoony stuff).
It's hard to pick stand-out volumes of the manga because it's almost purely episodic, and pretty consistent all the way through. I have a lot of gaps in my collection, because I would just randomly buy whichever volumes I could find at lower prices.
There were two separate series-- the original, simply titled "Lupin III" which started in 1967, and "Lupin III: World's Most Wanted" which started in 1977. I prefer the WMW series because the art is more consistent. The first series has a rocky start, with uneven art and very dark, confusing stories, but after about Volume 4 it becomes pretty solid.
Goemon joins Lupin's gang in Volume 5.
Volume 14 is interesting because it's the final volume of the first series, and there's a multi-part 'ending' story along with some of the usual stand-alone ones.
Overall my favourite books are the first few volumes of the WMW series. But like I said, it's all pretty similar, and every volume has at least a couple of really good stories. I'd say, just get whichever ones you can find the cheapest!
That will most definitely help, thank you.
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