This episode is drawn in a much looser, gag manga-like style than the others that I've seen. It starts off with some Road Runner/Coyote-style gags, with Jariten as the coyote.

And then there's this face. It will haunt your dreams.

The writing and direction are fantastic, full of hilarious reveals and bizarre ideas.

This sequence with Ataru trying to open his lunchbox in class with a bandaged hand is amazing. It's actually fully animated, and chock-full of crazy, distorted drawings and wacky poses. I also find it funny that throughout the sequence, the guy behind him is frozen with his mouth wide open.

And then his teacher transforms into a pig.

...Of course.
None of the other episodes on this disc contain as much funny animation as this one, but they're all pretty good anyway.
From an episode that's basically Hitchcock's The Birds only with potatoes attacking instead:

In the next one, a giant robotic chalkboard eraser, who used to be Lum's space-elementary school teacher, returns to punish her and her friends for pranks they pulled on him as kids.

Then the last episode on the disc has the characters travel back in time to figure out why one of them is claustrophobic.

...And this is from the preview for the next episode. It is now my civic duty to buy the next volume and see this in full:

I used to prefer the early episodes of the series because I felt they were more pure comedy-oriented, whereas the later ones that I'd seen featured weird attempts at serious drama. Turns out that what I'd seen was unrepresentative of the majority of later episodes. I'm glad I've started watching them now-- I can see why people called these later Mamoru Oshii-directed years of the show its golden age. The early episodes really are a lot cruder compared to these ones, in just about every respect.
One thing I noticed on this volume is that for no particular reason, the show keeps using a version of "Your Mother Should Know," done in the usual primitive-synthesizer style, as background music. I have no idea how they got away with this. I've also heard them use "Magical Mystery Tour" in another episode.
School and a freelance animation job are taking up most of my time at the moment. Apart from those, I'm mostly working on the third Fester Fish cartoon. Unfortunately I haven't had the chance to record the dialogue yet, so the number of shots I can animate at the moment is limited. While doing clean-up and colouring, I've been listening to my new favourite podcast, "Dynamite in the Brain," which is anime-themed and hosted by Brian Smith and Anthony Askew. Brian's blog Awesome Engine is what got me onto this current Urusei Yatsura bent, since he's written reviews for the first two-thirds of the series.
Rumiko Takihashi certainly debuted with a wonderful series. One thing I have taken note with any of the animes from her (pre-Inuyasha) is that the openings remain far too cheesy to turn away from. Filled with lots of fun and get you all ready for any comedic antics you are about to get into.
Plus the use of running gags makes for great fun.
I certainly haven't done much in terms of watching Urusei Yatsura, I found reading the manga a faster means of enjoying the series. However I will take a look at episode 83 in particular.
Also, I will have to take a look at that podcast as well.
Good post, thank you for taking the time to share.
Yeah, the cheesy openings are very fun. My favourites are "Dancing Star" for the goofy dancing and "Pajama Jama Da" for the cool abstract graphics.
The animation in the openings is more cartoony than the series itself-- I think I remember reading that the UY intros were all done by an independent animator, but I forget who it was and where I read it.
Just checked Anipages... Koji Nanke was the name of the animator who did all those openings for Urusei Yatsura, as well as Maison Ikkoku and Ranma 1/2.
That is really impressive. You almost wonder what kind of direction or instruction they gave him for those openings. Unless he just based it on the music chosen for the theme song.
Again, nice find.
it looks pretty fun, it reminds me that a lot of 80's anime use some cartoon humor, for example, there is the hammer gag in City Hunter, anytime it happens, it's hilarious.
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